Westminster Abbey - Great Royal and State Occasions

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 889254367493

Westminster Abbey: Great Occasions 1. Royal Fanfare (Bliss) 0.45 2. I was glad (Parry) 7.43 3. Set me as a seal (Walton) Tenor solo: John New 3.36 4. Wash me throughly (S.S.Wesley) Treble solo: Jo Crouch 4.57 5. Te Deum in B flat (Stanford) 6.53 6. Rejoice in the Lord alway (Anon, formerly attr.Redford) 3.03 7. The Lord"s my shepherd (Crimond) (Baird-Ross) 3.12 8. I will lift up mine eyes (McKie) Bass solo: Simon Birchall 3.11 9. Wedding Fanfare (Bliss) 1.03 10. O clap your hands (Vaughan Williams) 3.24 11. Lord, for Thy tender mercy"s sake (Hilton) 2.11 12. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (S.S.Wesley) 3.46 13. O taste and see (Vaughan Williams) Treble solo: Adam Aiken 1.34 14. Whoso dwelleth under the Defence (Alcock) 4.23 15. All people that on earth do dwell (Old 100) (Vaughan Williams) 5.1.6 16. Toccata in F (From Organ Symphony No.5) (Widor) 6.03 (Royal and State Occasions) Westminster Abbey Choir, London Brass Directed: Martin Neary Organ: Iain Simcock Total playing time 61"28"