Destiny of a man / Schicksal eines Mannes

Preis 25.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 761794307903

After M. Sholohov"s short story.The given film is one of the most outstanding cinematographic works. It is a life story of the Russian soldier who has gone through the terrible trials of the fate: he lost his family and home, got into a concentration camp...But the fate failed to break down his spirit, he has survived and asserted his right to be the man, he also kept his ability to love...The Grand Golden Prize at I IFF in Moscow, 1959. A special prize "A crystal vase" at X IFF of the working people in Czechoslovakia, 1959. The Lenin Prize to film director and the main role performer S. Bondarchuk and camera-man V. Monakhov, 1960. A special prize at XVII IFF in Karlovy Vary, 1970.