The Circus Comes to Town
Preis 13.35 - 15.89 USD
We are bringing an exciting Circus to town. We worktogether as a team to give the audience the best show wecan. This game was inspired by the world famous Cirque duSoleil that features magnificent, daring performances byhuman beings as well as wonderful humor and skills byClowns. Animals are included in this game, but since it isyour Circus, you can put on your own show with or withoutthem.Each player spins to see what moves are to be made.Maybe you move the Acrobat along the spotlight spaces. Ormaybe the High Wire artist. Or maybe danger looms on theTrapeze and a Safety Net is needed. Can we guide thePerformers from Start to Finish without taking a Fall? Therisks are great, the moves tricky. The results are verysatisfying.