William Wegman Puppies Calendar (Wall Calendar)
Preis 10.74 USD
Widely respected for his stunningly astute observations of dogs (more specifically, of the majestic Weimaraner), William Wegman once again dazzles with Puppies. Here Wegman chronicles three generations of Weimaraners with his insightful commentary and exceptional photography. Wegman"s love for his dogs is expressed in every photograph and in every line of his awe-filled text. Speaking about his second Weimaraner, Fay, the author says, "She looked like she had wandered out of a Rousseau painting. Those luminous yellow eyes." Fay"s radiance inspired Wegman to greater creative depths: he began dressing her up to appear almost human, a common theme in his photographs. Fay starred in many Wegman titles, including ABC and Cinderella. It is Fay"s children, and later her grandchildren, who take the center stage in William Wegman"s Puppies. Wegman"s photographs are, as always, astonishing, capturing the beauty and individualism of each puppy. He labels his photographs with humorous bylines: a puppy sitting in a planter is labeled "Pup Pot." The exceptional physique of the Weimaraner becomes more pronounced as the puppies grow; at two weeks, the puppies are almost extraterrestrial in appearance, with large ears and wrinkled skins. But they are still exquisite, and the photos capture every expression and posture. Wegman has the utmost respect for his dogs, and his subjects are in turn fully content and relaxed in the presence of their photographer. Wegman has the ability to draw us exceptionally close to his dogs, and this wonderful collection captures the true spirit and beauty of the Weimaraner.