Lady from Ajanta - Batik Painting On Cotton Fabric

Preis 60.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 8903602024394

Marke Exotic India

Land India

Dimensions: 2.8 feet x 3.3 feet Buy Batik Paintings | Batik Art | Batik Prints - ExoticIndia Batik Painting On Cotton Fabric Batik is a long drawn process of dyeing, while applying wax to all thoseparts that are not required to be dyed. It goes on till the fabric has allthe desired colors. During the last dye, the cloth is crumpled or scratchedto produce the crackle, so typical of batik. Artists borrow themes frommythological tales, literary texts or genre scenes. Ajanta with itsbeautifully painted figures and sculpted icons inspires many an artist andcraftsman. The themes are narrations after the Jataka stories of theBuddhist texts or other related Buddhist scenes.What is depicted here is a life-size cult image of BoddhisattvaAvalokiteshvara, standing with one hand in the posture of willingness tohelp. At the bottom corner is a person begging for protection from periloussituations. The predominant character trait of Avalokiteshvara is to imbuecompassion in all who meditate in the presence of his image.This picture shows a rare ability of endowing this personality with"detached greatness". It is towering, but not exuberant. It has all thatmakes human virtues, only more of it. Large features, princely attire,imposing headgear and abundant jewelry make it quite impressive. The crownstresses his princely character rather than ascetic. But the relieving calmand self assurance radiating from the facial expression belie the crown. Notparticularly masculine, this figure is represented by qualities of calmintense self-concentration. In fact, the sacred countenance radiates with amysterious glow.The colors are arranged for the sole purpose of pleasing the eye. Theunrestrained colors contrast strongly with the sober gesture of piety.This description by Renu Rana.More Artworks from Ajanta:Ajanta and Ellora The Maiden The Prince Lady from Ajanta Maiden from the Caves of Ajanta A Royal Lady : An Imitation