A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844091218

"Life on Earth is a team game. It is vital to learn the rules so that you can participate and make your contribution. A game of football would be a free-for-all if everyone did their own thing, so players are taught the rules before they go on to the field. In the same way, we are taught the spiritual laws before we are born. When you understand and follow the spiritual laws you can create heaven on Earth." So begins Diana Cooper"s A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws, a rich introduction to the spiritual scheme of existence and a discourse in 36 chapters on what Diana Cooper believes are its essential laws. In essence, the book aims to give us a blueprint of who we are, why we"re here and how we should navigate our way through our time on Earth. Put simply, according to Diana Cooper each of us is a spirit being--a divine aspect of the eternal Source (God or whatever divinity you prefer), and before we"re born, we (a) dwell in a greater reality--the World Unseen, the domain of an infinite hierarchy of spirit beings; and (b) we are each aware of the spiritual laws and our own life goals. However, that awareness becomes suppressed and generally falls into slumber after birth because of the challenges we create for ourselves on Earth. Stress, rage, denial, greed and selfishness are just some of the negatives we succumb to--the negatives which cause us so much damage, from personal angst to collective disasters like war, poverty and political terror. At best all of this amounts to a continuing cycle of bad karma, and at worst it means humankind is in danger of descending into a spiritual dark age. However, there are many who are struggling towards the light, reconnecting with their spirit-selves and rediscovering the World Unseen. A new era of change and enlightenment is on the way--it"s due to happen around 2012, according to this book, and those who are spiritually awake will be at the forefront, guiding those of us who are still stubbornly asleep. The author, a renowned therapist, healer and bestselling author, describes this new era in her introduction to A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws, and moves on to discuss what she sees as the essential laws that we"re all aware of deep down, from the basics such as the laws of attraction, resistance and projection, to the laws of higher awareness such as karma, mediation and grace. In the opinion of your reviewer, the lessons are easy to learn, the metaphors and anecdotes universal in their appeal--this is an essential and life-changing read if you"ve been searching for something more vital than simple "New Age" philosophy, and it"s an inspiration to those who are already on the path and need a torch to light the way forward. --Lucas LoBlack