Face to Face with Dolphins (Face to Face with Animals)

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781426305498

Flip Nicklin can free dive to an astonishing depth of more than 70 feet. That means he can get close enough to dolphins to observe and photograph them without disturbing their behaviour. He"s also an expert scuba diver who has been on more than 5,000 dives spent observing dolphins and whales. He"s widely considered one of the foremost dolphin and whale photographers in the world. In "Face to Face with Dolphins", with the help of his wife and partner, Linda Nicklin he shares his exciting underwater adventures and his vast knowledge of the dolphin"s watery world. Learn about the many different kinds of dolphins, from botus to orcas to bottlenose, and discover that dolphins are mammals who breathe air and give birth to one live baby that they nurse with milk. See how dolphins are able to be such excellent swimmers and fish catchers, and learn about their ability to echolocate. Dolphins live in family groups, and they both cooperate and communicate. What we know and think about dolphins can affect their ultimate survival. The more we know, the more desire we have to protect them, and the more able we are to recognise which habitat is particularly important, or which kind of pollution the most harmful. Protecting dolphins from getting caught in tuna nets is an example of a success story where dolphins have been better protected through human care and intervention. Flip recalls swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas and feeling a part of their special group, however briefly. Dolphins" obvious intelligence and ability to communicate has always inspired in humans a feeling of kinship with them. But, as Flip notes, there is a lot we don"t know about these intelligent social animals. He firmly believes it has been and will continue to be be a lot of fun to find out the rest of the story.