Mighty Bright Doubleflex Led Book Light, Silver

Preis 18.44 - 24.82 USD

book24.ru18.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781933622576

Marke Gold Crest

Gewicht 150 gr

From oversized cookbooks to physics textbooks, the DoubleFlex LED Book Light is the must-have reading light for bigger books. Create the broad width of light you need by pushing, pulling, bending and twisting two separate, entirely flexible arms to any orientation. Flick on one or two heads. One energy-efficient LED is dazzling enough; two saturate the open pages of large books entirely. Base is super-compact but weighted to maintain its balance when free standing. The clip opens wide enough to hang tough from a laptop, table edge, or book spine. When you are ready to wrap it up, the gooseneck arms can be bent into any position that fit best for your handbag, computer bag or backpack. Two heads are better than one, and better yet batteries are included.