Copper Brite 10 Termite Prufe

Preis 7.49 - 16.14 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 41767000100

Marke Copper Brite

Hersteller Copper Brite Inc.

Land USA

1lb termite prufe. Effective against termites, wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants, and fungi that causes wood rot. Effective for all interior and exterior lumber, logs, and wood-form composites. It can be used for infested wood as a preventative treatment in existing and new structures. Odorless, nonflammable solution is easily applied with a paint brush, trigger spray bottle, or compressed air sprayer. The active ingredient continues to penetrate deep into wood and being inorganic does not break down. 1 lb. canister. Contains: 98% Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate.