Lenny Carlson: Jack Jezzro: Brazilian Nights - A Rhythmic Musical Experience ...

Preis 19.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 796279063715

Land USA

This book is a clear, simple way to learn how to play and improvise melodies over standard chords in Latin rhythms. There is material for students on several different levels. Each piece is presented in a basic lead sheet” version first, with the melody and some simple harmonies written along with chord symbols. The second section of each piece is a portion of Jack’s improvised solo, transcribed note-for-note off the CD of the same name, with Jack’s preferred TAB notation. ∗∗∗NOTENAUSGABE oder LEHRBUCH (Sheet Music or Instruction)! Erklärung der Besetzungskürzel: PVG = Piano, Vocals, Guitar; N+T = Noten & Tabulatur für Gitarre; MLC = Melodie & Akkorde für Keyboard. Eventuell beiliegende Begleit-CDs oder DVDs sind - falls vorhanden - im Text erwähnt, es handelt sich um KEINEN TONTRÄGER des jeweiligen Interpreten!∗∗∗