Frank Briggs: First Lessons Drumset - Book+CD+DVD - Beginning
Preis 14.95 - 32.99 USD
Get your "First Lesson" from a seasoned pro! First Lessons Drumset is designed to help the student develop basic 3 part coordination skills on the drum set. Learn some fundamental reading skills, snare and bass drum technique and get started with a solid foundation. First Lessons Drumset will also help you set up your kit, hold your sticks properly and teach you to play along with music today! ∗∗∗NOTENAUSGABE oder LEHRBUCH (Sheet Music or Instruction)! Erklärung der Besetzungskürzel: PVG = Piano, Vocals, Guitar; N+T = Noten & Tabulatur für Gitarre; MLC = Melodie & Akkorde für Keyboard. Eventuell beiliegende Begleit-CDs oder DVDs sind - falls vorhanden - im Text erwähnt, es handelt sich um KEINEN TONTRÄGER des jeweiligen Interpreten!∗∗∗