Preis 32.45 - 202.36 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788826294773

Celestial Navigation For Beginners: Sextant Use & Noon Shot Chapters Covered Include: Latitude & Longitude, Declination & GHA, Nautical Almanac, Geographical Position, GMT and Local Noon Reading The Sextant, Sextant Corrections, The Noon Shot Work Sheet & A Sun Noon Shot. Skipper Gene Grossman starts out right at the beginning by showing that anyone, any age, can use a sextant to navigate. Learn what celestial navigation measures, what the sextant does and how to use the Nautical Almanac. Subjects also covered include: Latitude & Longitude, Declination & GHA, Nautical Almanac, Geographical Position, GMT and Local Noon Reading The Sextant, Sextant Corrections, The Noon Shot Work Sheet & A Sun Noon Shot. The second section features Paul Miller, former instructor at the United States Naval Academy and owner of the California Sailing Academy. He teaches how to hold, adjust, use and read a sextant and takes you through a sun shot at Local Apparent Noon, filling in each line of the worksheet as he goes along. This program is a complete introductory course in Celestial Navigation. Numerous sailors have made ocean crossings, navigating by the Sun Noon Shot. 120 min.