Ashanti - The Princess of Hip Hop / Soul - Unauthorized
Preis 6.76 - 15.14 USD
Ashanti Princess of Hip Hop / Soul Unauthorized As a young girl growing up in New York, Ashanti had her heart set on entertaining. Singing and dancing in front of her family, she dreamt of one day being a star. Now, that dream has become a reality. The Hip Hop Princess has graced the cover of nearly every major magazine and won numerous awards for writing and performing her own music. She has certainly come a long way since those days of performing in the living room. Take a ride with us as we explore the life of Ashanti - how she found music, and how music found her. Format: DVD, Video Studio/Label: Canadian Home Video Firma/Company: MVD (Music Video) DVD-Erscheinungstermin/Released: 2004 Laufzeit/Running Time: ca. 60 Min. Ton/Sound: Dolby System Ländercode/Regional Code: 0 Bestell-Nr./Catalog#: D9221 FSK/Rated: Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung / Without Age Limitation EAN/UPC: 655690922196