The Police. Message in a Box (Buch + 4 CDs) (earBOOK)

Preis 18.44 - 25.39 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783937406862

Herausgeber edel Classics GmbH

Pagina 108

Jahr 2006

Binding 285x285

THE POLICE Message In A Box (2006 UK issue 78-track digitally remastered 4-CD album set - From Fall Out to Dont Stand So Close To Me 86 Message In A Box contains every single song the Police ever recorded between 1977 - 1986 presented ina deluxe 12 x 12 hard-back book complete with a 100-page booklet containing an interesting often humorous biography a time line and notes from Sting Andy Summers & Stewart Copeland regarding the rarities that appear on this collection)