Something M.Y.T.H. Inc.

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780441010837

Marke ACE

Herausgeber Penguin Group

Jahr 2003

Fantasy - The long wait is finally over! Things are not well in the kingdom... While Skeeve and Aahz are preoccupied with the aftermath of Gleep"s shooting, the M.Y.T.H. Inc. crew faces its biggest challenge yet-not one, but multiple challenges to the king and his court sorcerer! Word on the street is that the kingdom is under the control of a mighty sorcerer. It"s obvious that this magician dabbles in the black arts: He consorts with demons. He has a dragon for a pet. He"s connected to the criminal underground, trading political influence for their assistance in keeping the populace under control. And for most citizens, all this could be overlooked, except that this villain has committed the greatest crime possible: he"s raised taxes! Clearly something has to be done! The citizens are beginning to ponder and mutter, both individually and in groups, about how this tyrant can be brought down. And while they vary greatly in skill and intelligence, certainly the sheer volume of them virtually ensures the eventual downfall of the scoundrel that"s currently growing fat off the kingdom... the man called Skeeve the Great. Can the M.Y.T.H. Inc. gang protect Skeeve from these attacks and still convince him that everything is business as usual?