Macroshift: Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World

Ervin Laszlo, a pioneer in complex systems philosophy and general evolution theory who has written or cowritten 36 books, believes we are in the midst of a massive worldwide transformation that will dramatically alter everything from lifestyle to economy. Such total upheaval has occurred only a few times before, he says, and in Macroshift he explains what this might mean and how we might manage its impact. The gist, according to Laszlo, is that technology and globalization have unbalanced social structures, upended values and priorities, sparked resource exploitation, and "downgraded the livability" of our planet. The result is an unsustainable situation that could trigger political conflict, financial vulnerability, and deteriorating environmental problems during the coming decade unless "a new way of thinking" takes hold. "If we are not to join the myriad species that had once populated the Earth but became extinct," he predicts, "we will have to create a civilization that is more adapted to the conditions in which we find ourselves." He then offers ideas to do so, including a shift from "competition to reconciliation and partnership" and development of "more responsible and humane community projects" around the world. The proposals are not for everyone, but if Laszlo is correct, this book offers serious food for thought that we all would be wise to ponder. --Howard Rothman