Lives Remembered: A Shtetl Through a Photographer"s Eye

Preis 30.40 - 69.58 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780960997077

Pagina 123

Jahr 2002

Lives Remembered Zalman Kaplan, the towns photographer, captured the history of Szczuczyn from within the community. So in addition to photographing the town cemetery and architecture and meetings, he also recorded Purim parties, family portraits, bicycle excursions, and other moments of carefree life. What is so poignant is that the towns nearly 3,000 Jews, pictured leading vibrant and joyful lives, had no idea what disastrous fate was to befall them. Compelling essays by Jonathan Rosen and Jeffrey Shandler provide excellent context for understanding the shtetl of Szczuczyn. Rosens essay, for example, draws a parallel to September 11, how the photographs used on missing pos...