Ant: The Definitive Guide (Classique Us)

Ant is a Java build tool, so named because it is a small thing that builds big things, and Ant: The Definitive Guide is a complete handbook and reference. Ant is an open-source tool maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and has rapidly been adopted as the standard Java utility for build management. This title is written with two readerships in mind. For the Ant newcomer, it offers a thorough tutorial, while experts get a complete reference along with tips and insights on how to get the best from Ant. The authors emphasise that to get the best from Ant you must see the buildfile as a design, rather than a series of steps. The foreword from Ant"s creator, James Duncan Davidson is a great starting point, explaining the rationale and original motivation behind Ant. After that the authors offer a jumpstart chapter, walking through a basic example. Next comes an installation guide, followed by a detailed chapter on the heart of Ant, the XML buildfile. There is a description of Ant data types, and two chapters showing how to extend Ant by creating custom tasks and event listeners. The comprehensive reference section is divided into core and optional tasks. Finally, there are two appendices, one looking at Ant futures with a preview of what is coming in Ant 2.0, and the other a handy set of common questions with solutions. It may seem specialist, but Ant can make Java development significantly faster and more productive. This is a great book for Ant users. --Tim Anderson