Network Troubleshooting Tools (Classique Us)

Hooray for Joseph Sloan, who has written Network Troubleshooting Tools. Sloan"s book catalogs--and evaluates, with intelligent and carefully researched commentary--scores of free utilities that have been developed for monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting TCP/IP networks large and small. As such, it"s a guide to the tools of the network administration trade. Without the concentrated wisdom that"s found here, a network administrator might take years to stumble across all the fantastically useful utilities described in these pages, and waste all kinds of effort in the process. This book has found an excellent niche: a high-level technical book that earns its cover price by applying an author"s experience and research to stuff that"s freely available online, thus adding to readers" abilities to exploit the free stuff that"s out there. The organization Sloan has chosen is interesting and efficient. Chapters deal with categories of utilities, such as packet sniffers and device mapping. Chapters begin with descriptions of the general purpose of utilities in their category and describe features (and alternate means of providing them) in general terms. Then come sections on utilities, complete with commentaries on the strengths of each and command-line dumps of the utilities in use. As utilities often are best used together, the author does a good job of showing what steps to take when that needs to be done. There"s no companion CD-ROM, but the URLs that link to the utilities appear--sorted alphabetically by the programs" names, in an appendix. --David Wall Topics covered: The free utilities--mostly for Unix variants--that the author has found to be most useful in his work as an administrator and troubleshooter of TCP/IP networks. Utilities for route tracing, packet sniffing, device detection, performance measurement, and other work are covered here.