Palm Database Programming, w. CD-ROM: The Complete Developer"s Guide

Let"s face it: no one is going to do graphics-intensive work under Palm OS, nor is anyone going to model elaborate mathematical phenomena. Palms are good for keeping in touch and storing information in a conveniently portable format. Palm Database Programming adeptly explains the Palm OS database format (this is important because without a file system, everything on a Palm is in some kind of a database). It also demonstrates the finer points of database development (mostly with Sybase UltraLite but also with Oracle Lite Consolidator to a significantly lesser extent). Almost exactly half of this book deals with database issues, which weakens it because the other half contains general Palm OS programming material that"s not specifically relevant to the development of data-storage programs. If you know enough to be interested in learning about Palm OS databases and how to build applications around them, you don"t need the introductory information on how to use CodeWarrior or how to code a Palm OS user interface. Aside from this, the database material is quite good. The author presents and explains code that creates, modifies, and deletes databases, and provides a very good explanation of database synchronization. If you"re using UltraLite, you"ll appreciate the documentation of it here. Further coverage of the .pdb file format (in which data can be sent to a Palm from a host machine) would have made this book even stronger. --David Wall Topics covered: Basic Palm OS programming, the ins and outs of CodeWarrior, the Palm database paradigm, fundamentals of relational databases, Sybase UltraLite, and Oracle Lite Consolidator.