Zhitie Prepodobnogo Sergiya (Das Leben des St. Sergius von Radonezh) (The Life of Saint Sergius) (RUSCICO) - russische Originalfassung [Житие Преподобного Сергия]
Preis 4.30 - 5.54 USD
GoldDisk.Ru5.54 USD
Der Film erzählt die Geschichte der geistigen Wiedergeburt des russischen Volkes.---ENG---With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy II.This full-length documentary revives the history of the spiritual rebirth of the Russian people, which made the Kulikovo Battle victory possible. The film features numerous works of Old Russian literature, documented studies of the life and feats of St. Sergius of Radonezh, of the events of the Kulikovo Battle. The icons and frescoes on the walls of the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Christ the Savior Cathedral, the works of Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek, the paintings of V.M. Vasnetsov, M.I. Avilov and other artists, the architectural monuments of Radonezh and Khotkovo will be your guides to the history of the great saint of the Russian land.---RUSS---Po blagosloveniyu Svyateyshego patriarha Moskovskogo i Vseya Rusi Aleksiya II.Polnometrazhnyy dokumentalnyy film voskreshaet istoriyu duhovnogo vozrozhdeniya russkogo naroda, sdelavshego vozmozhnoy pobedu v Kulikovskoy bitve.Kartina znakomit zritelya s mnogochislennymi proizvedeniyami drevnerusskoy literatury, dokumentalnymi issledovaniyami, posvyashchennymi zhizni i podvigam prepodobnogo Sergiya Radonezhskogo, sobytiyam Kulikovskoy bitvy. Ikony, freski na stenah soborov Moskovskogo Kremlya, Troitse-Sergievoy Lavry, Hrama Hrista Spasitelya, raboty Andreya Rubleva, Feofana Greka, kartiny V.M. Vasnetsova, M.I. Avilova i drugih hudozhnikov, pamyatniki zodchestva v Radonezhe, Hotkove stanut putevoditelem po istorii velikogo podvizhnika Zemli Russkoy.