Автор - Titi Livi
Selections from the First Five Books: Together with the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Books .
EAN 9785883328304 10.78 USD -
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri Qui Supersunt Omnes Et Deperditorum Fragmenta, Volume 1 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785875651007 14.23 USD -
Livy, Book 22 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785875647277 12.91 USD -
Selections from the First Five Books: Chiefly from the Text of Alschefski
EAN 9785883328410 10.79 USD -
Ab Urbe Condita Libri: Bd. Buch Xxxv-Xxxviii. 2.Verb. Aufl. 1873 (Hungarian Edition)
EAN 9785876894144 13.44 USD -
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri Superstites: Cum Deperditorum Voluminum Compendiis, Ab Antiquo Scriptore Confectis, Volume 2 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785875652448 14.15 USD -
Roman History: Translated Into English, and Illustrated with Notes, Critical, Historical and Geological, for the Use of Students in Humanity
EAN 9785876106315 15.34 USD -
A literal translation of the first three books of Prendeville's Livy
EAN 9785883615237 9.98 USD -
T. Livii Ab urbe condita .
EAN 9785882934773 8.67 USD -
Livy, books XXI-XXIV.: With short English notes for the use of schools
EAN 9785883226174 11.67 USD -
Livy: Book Xxiv-Xxx
EAN 9785874710323 14.05 USD -
Livy: The war with Hannibal
EAN 9785883628299 9.60 USD -
T. Livi ab urba condita liber ix
EAN 9785882934223 9.59 USD -
Livy: Book Xxxi-Xxxviii
EAN 9785874712235 13.30 USD