Автор - Russell John Connor
Human Remains. What is wrong with Human Resource Management and how to put it right
EAN 9781910734018 28.20 USD -
Organisational and Workforce Analytics
EAN 9781910734148 38.00 USD -
The Ten Commandments That Build Healthy, Successful and Long Lasting Organisations
EAN 9781907722233 14.93 USD -
Building a Flourishing Organisation; Laying the Foundations for Success in an Increasingly Uncertain and Complex World
EAN 9781907140891 14.84 USD -
Building a Flourishing Career; Laying the Foundations for Life-Success in an Increasingly Uncertain and Complex World
EAN 9781907140860 14.66 USD -
It"s About Time
EAN 9781907140617 30.24 USD -
The Future Is Imagined
EAN 9781907140730 21.55 USD -
Article 58
EAN 9781907140914 15.83 USD