Автор - A.W. Shaw
How to Develop and Expand a Retail Business: Testing Ways to Get More Trade .
EAN 9785880069224 7.89 USD -
EAN 9781408608470 34.88 USD -
How to Write Advertisements that Sell (Large Print Edition)
EAN 9785874225360 8.99 USD -
How to write advertisements that sell; how to plan every step in your campaign--using sales points, schemes and inducements--how to write and lay out copy--choosing prospect lists and mediums--tests and records that increase returns; how 146 shrewd advert
EAN 9785883577665 7.19 USD -
How to run a store at a profit; figuring expenses and mark-up--counter and window displays--how a retailer increased business 400 in fourteen months--short cuts in handling trade--larger net profits--training your men to sell; methods by which 62 retailer
EAN 9785879863864 8.87 USD -
Costs and Statistics: Basic Cost Principles, Mapping Out the Cost System .
EAN 9785880284405 7.91 USD