Автор - Cecil Hobart Peabody
Tables of the Properties of Steam and Other Vapors and Temperature-entropy .
EAN 9785884419179 7.80 USD -
Steam Boilers
EAN 9780530821443 35.73 USD -
EAN 9780469482913 27.68 USD -
Manual of the Steam-Engine Indicator
EAN 9780469371736 29.08 USD -
Computations for Marine Engines
EAN 9780469265257 29.60 USD -
Tables of the Properties of Steam and Other Vapors, and Temperature-Entropy Table
EAN 9780353959262 27.68 USD -
Thermodynamics of the Steam Turbine
EAN 9780341878261 27.15 USD -
Notes On Steam Boilers. Prepared for the Use of Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
EAN 9780342125630 26.28 USD -
Thermodynamics of the steam-engine and other heat-engines
EAN 9785877363779 13.23 USD -
Tables of the properties of steam and other vapors and temperature-entropy table
EAN 9785877364035 9.83 USD -
Notes On Steam Boilers: Prepared for the Use of Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
EAN 9785877170247 9.95 USD -
Manual Of The Steam-Engine Indicator
EAN 9781443748278 7.34 USD -
Naval Architecture
EAN 9785877366947 14.80 USD -
EAN 9785877363212 9.82 USD