Автор - Archibald Campbell Lawrie
Annals Of The Reigns Of Malcolm And William - Kings Of Scotland A.D. 1153-1214
EAN 9781443784542 42.79 USD -
Annals of the reigns of Malcolm and William, kings of Scotland, 1153-1214: collected, with notes and an index
EAN 9785876768919 13.21 USD -
A Gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon (Excluding Walapane)
EAN 9785876771483 13.19 USD -
Early Scottish Charters: Prior to A.D. 1153
EAN 9785876773517 13.28 USD -
Early Scottish charters prior to A.D. 1153: with notes and an index
EAN 9785876768667 13.30 USD