Автор - Arthur Johnston
The First Kandyan War
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Narrative of the Operations of a Detachment in an Expedition to Candy in the Island of Ceylon, 1804
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Myths and facts of the American revolution : a commentary of United States history as it is written
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Narrative of the operations of a detachment in an expedition to Candy, in the island of Ceylon, in the year 1804
EAN 9785879472165 9.75 USD -
Myths and facts of the American Revolution; a commentary on United States history as it is written
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Poetarum Scotorum Musae Sacrae: Sive, Arcturi Jonstoni, Medici Regii, Psalmorum Davidicorum, Cantici Solomonis, & Canticorum Evangelicorum Paraphrasis . ? Trochoregia Ad Christum S (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785876631343 11.14 USD -
Narrative of the operations of a detachment in an expedition to Candy, in the island of Ceylon, in the year 1804; with some observations on the previous campaign, and on the nature of Candian warfare, &c. &c. &c
EAN 9785884335769 9.53 USD -
Narrative of the Operations of a Detachment in an Expedition to Candy, in the Island of Ceylon, in the Year 1804: With Some Observations On the . On the Nature of Canadian Warfare, &C. &C. &C
EAN 9785879483642 9.79 USD