Автор - Samuel Prout
A Series of Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing. Contained in Forty Plates, Arranged Progressively From the First Principles in the Chalk Manner to the Finished Landscape Colours
EAN 9780344130700 21.73 USD -
Sketches by Samuel Prout, in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland
EAN 9785876187789 11.12 USD -
Sketches By Samuel Prout
EAN 9781408672426 38.20 USD -
A Series of Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing: Contained in Forty Plates, Arranged Progressively from the First Principles in the Chalk Manner to the Finished Landscape Colours
EAN 9785877574809 8.89 USD -
A series of views of rural cottages in the west of England
EAN 9785877569027 7.98 USD -
A Series of Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing: Contained in Forty Plates .
EAN 9785883848215 8.74 USD