Автор - T. K. Cheyne
Encyclopaedia Biblica: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary Political and .
EAN 9785881588427 12.14 USD -
EAN 9785875240669 9.77 USD -
Job and Solomon;
EAN 9785880525577 8.94 USD -
The Prophecies of Isaiah, Volume II
EAN 9785874245214 11.07 USD -
Jeremiah, Volume 2
EAN 9785874384609 14.23 USD -
Job and Solomon;
EAN 9785874076429 11.25 USD -
Jeremiah, Volume 2
EAN 9785883286758 11.71 USD -
The book of Psalms translated from a revised text with notes and introduction in place of a second edition of an earlier work (1888) by the same author
EAN 9785875235948 10.17 USD -
The origin and religious contents of the Psalter in the light of Old Testament criticism and the history of religions; with an introd. and appendices. Eight lectures
EAN 9785875232992 13.30 USD -
Micah, with notes and introduction
EAN 9785875233753 8.84 USD -
Introduction to the Book of Isaiah: With an Appendix Containing the Undoubted Portions of the Two Chief Prophetic Writers in a Translation (German Edition)
EAN 9785875236464 13.08 USD -
Jewish religious life after the exile
EAN 9785875232602 11.00 USD -
The origin and religious contents of the Psalter in the light of Old Testament criticism and the history of religions; with an introduction and . in the year 1889 on the foundation of John
EAN 9785875234538 13.32 USD -
Traditions & beliefs of ancient Israel
EAN 9785879624083 11.60 USD