Автор - John Bullock
The American Cottage Builder
EAN 9781443755085 41.16 USD -
The Rudiments of Architecture and Building: For the Use of Architects, Builders, Draughtsmen, Machinists, Engineers, and Mechanics
EAN 9785875121005 15.20 USD -
The American Cottage Builder
EAN 9781443761765 10.65 USD -
The American Cottage Builder: A Series of Designs, Plans, and Specifications .
EAN 9785880375110 8.94 USD -
The American cottage builder : a series of designs, plans, and specifications, from $200 to $20,000, for homes for the people ; together with warming, ventilation, drainage, painting and landscape gardening
EAN 9785883529251 11.56 USD -
The American Cottage Builder: A Series of Designs, Plans, and Specifications, from $200 to $20,000. for Homes for the People. Together with Warming, . Drainage, Painting, and Landscape Gardening
EAN 9785875119866 13.19 USD -
The history and rudiments of architecture; embracing, I. The orders of architecture; II. Architectural styles of various countries; III. The nature . and complete glossary of architectural terms
EAN 9785875117848 10.27 USD