Автор - William Ware
Rome and the early Christians: being letters of Lucius M. Piso from Rome to Fausta, the daughter of
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Lectures On The Works And Genius Of Washington Allston
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Aurelian; Or, Rome in the Third Century (Dodo Press)
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Zenobia; Or, the Fall of Palmyra (Dodo Press)
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American Unitarian biography. Memoirs of individuals who have been distinguished by their writings, character, and efforts in the cause of liberal Christianity. 2
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Letters from Palmyra, by Lucius Marlius Piso
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Zenobia: Or, The Fall of Palmyra. An Historical Romance. In Letters of . 2
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Aurelian: or Rome in the Third Century, Volume II
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American Unitarian biography. Memoirs of individuals who have been distinguished by their writings, character, and efforts in the cause of liberal Christianity
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Julian Or Scenes in Judea
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American Unitarian biography. Memoirs of individuals who have been distinguished by their writings, character, and efforts in the cause of liberal Christianity. 1
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Probus: Or, Rome in the Third Century. 1
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