Автор - Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie
Plotinos. Complete Works, in Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods : With Biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, Commentary by Porphyry, Illustrations by Jamblichus & Ammonius, Studies in Sources, Development, Influence; Index of Subjec...
EAN 9781375765442 40.63 USD -
Complete Works, in Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods; With Biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, Commentary by Porphyry, Illustrations by Jamblichus & Ammonius, Studies in Sources, Development, Influence, Index of Subjects, Thought...
EAN 9781376763874 27.33 USD -
Complete Works, in Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods; With Biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, Commentary by Porphyry, Illustrations by Jamblichus & Ammonius, Studies in Sources, Development, Influence, Index of Subjects, Thought...
EAN 9781376971620 30.65 USD -
Teachers" Problems and How to Solve Them
EAN 9780469982734 28.73 USD -
Numenius of Apamea, the Father of Neo-Platonism; Works, Biography, Message, Sources, and Influence
EAN 9780353022515 29.43 USD -
Regeneration. The Gate of Heaven
EAN 9780341744320 26.98 USD -
Numenius Of Apamea, The Father Of Neo-Platonism - Works, Biography, Message, Sources, And Influence
EAN 9781409765639 38.01 USD -
Teachers' Problems and how to Solve Them: A Handbook of Educational History and Practice, Or .
EAN 9785880683345 7.84 USD -
Teachers' problems and how to solve them; a hand-book of educational history and practice, or, comparative pedagogy, with an appendix on the mission and limits of the history of education
EAN 9785883014719 9.61 USD -
Numenius of Apamea, the father of neo-Platonism; works, biography, message, sources, and influence
EAN 9785876166784 10.05 USD -
Plotinos, Complete Works, In Chronological Order, Grouped In Four Periods; Vol I
EAN 9781408695777 40.41 USD -
Perronik, the 'innocent'; or, The quest of the golden basin and diamond lance; one of the sources of stories about the Holy Grail, a Breton legend, after Souvestre
EAN 9785876167118 8.01 USD -
Of the presence of God: being a practical method for beginning an interior life
EAN 9785876166838 8.97 USD -
Teachers' Problems and How to Solve Them
EAN 9785874227159 9.86 USD