Автор - John Bruce
Correspondence of King James Vi. of Scotland With Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England. During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; With an Appendix Containing Papers Illustrative of Transactions Between King James and Robert Earl of Essex. Principally...
EAN 9781375669054 35.55 USD -
Calendar of State Papers. Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I, 1625-1649 ... Preserved in Her Majesty.s Public Record Office
EAN 9780344034640 37.13 USD -
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James Vi. of Scotland. Some of Them Printed From Originals in the Possession of the Rev. Edward Ryder, and Others From a Ms. Which Formerly Belonged to Sir Peter Thompson, Kt
EAN 9780344103124 27.50 USD -
The Parker Society... for the Publication of the Works of the Fathers and Early Writers of the Refor
EAN 9780530059402 37.83 USD -
Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, During his Government
EAN 9780469293311 37.48 USD -
Liber Famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke a Judge of the Court of King.s Bench in the Reigns of James
EAN 9780526975426 28.90 USD -
Documents Relating to the Proceedings Against William Prynne
EAN 9780469097537 28.90 USD -
Wills From Doctors. Commons. A Selection From the Wills of Eminent Persons Proved in the Prerogative
EAN 9780530901244 28.55 USD -
Papers Relating to William, First Earl of Gowrie, . Patrick Ruthven, His Fifth . Last Surviving Son
EAN 9780469572355 27.85 USD -
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland
EAN 9780353891579 29.78 USD -
Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, Barrister-at-law, 1602-1603
EAN 9780526929399 29.78 USD -
The Works of Roger Hutchinson
EAN 9780526828548 33.80 USD -
Calendar of State Papers. Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I, 1625-1649 ... Preserved in Her Majesty.s Public Record Office
EAN 9781375606882 50.60 USD -
Calendar of State Papers
EAN 9783742803504 89.98 USD