Автор - Francis Palgrave
Hand-Book for Travellers in Northern Italy .By Sir F. Palgrave.
EAN 9780344267697 29.60 USD -
Truths and Fictions of the Middle Ages. The Merchant and the Friar
EAN 9780353937000 34.33 USD -
The Lord and the Vassal. A Familiar Exposition of the Feudal System .By Sir F. Palgrave.
EAN 9780341990390 27.15 USD -
The History of Normandy and of England. The Three First Dukes of Normandy: Rollo, Guillaume-Longue-Epee, and Richard-Sans-Peur. the Carlovingian Line Supplanted by the Capets. 1857
EAN 9781375818919 57.78 USD -
The lord and the vassal: a familiar exposition of the feudal system by sir F. Palgrave.
EAN 9785881247171 9.57 USD -
Histoire Des Anglo-Saxons (French Edition)
EAN 9785877326842 13.38 USD -
The Lord and the Vassal: A Familiar Exposition of the Feudal System By Sir F. Palgrave.
EAN 9785877327634 9.82 USD -
The History of Normandy and of England: William Rufus, Accession of Henry Beauclerc
EAN 9785877328648 15.17 USD -
Hand-Book for Travellers in Northern Italy By Sir F. Palgrave.
EAN 9785877325562 14.67 USD -
The History of Normandy and of England: Richard Sans-Peur, Richard Le-Bon, Richard Iii, Robert Le-Diable, William the Conquerer
EAN 9785877328785 15.02 USD -
Histoire des Anglo-Saxons
EAN 9785880003563 10.62 USD -
History Of The Anglo-Saxons
EAN 9781408603864 38.34 USD -
Rotuli curiae regis. Rolls and records of the court held before the King's justiciars or justices Volume 2
EAN 9785880638246 9.54 USD -
The History of Normandy and of England, Volume 1
EAN 9785877328563 15.39 USD