Автор - Frederick James Furnivall
A temporary preface to the six-text edition of Chaucer.s Canterbury Tales, Part I, attempting to show the true order of the tales, and the days and stages of the Pilgrimage, etc., etc.
EAN 9781178131017 13.89 USD -
The Roxburghe ballads
EAN 9781171833215 23.57 USD -
A royal historie of the excellent knight Generides. Ed. from the unique ms. of John Tollemache by Frederick J. Furnivall. Roxburghe club
EAN 9781178350968 25.89 USD -
Adam Davy.s 5 dreams about Edward II. The life of St. Alexius. Solomon.s Book of wisdom. St. Jeremie.s 15 tokens before Doomsday. The lamentation of souls
EAN 9781177391559 13.69 USD -
Le Morte Arthur
EAN 9781177597647 21.94 USD -
The wright's chaste wife ; or, A fable of a wryght .: a merry tale
EAN 9785875314445 8.80 USD -
Hymns to the Virgin & Christ, the Parliament of Devils, and Other Religious Poems
EAN 9781148681160 12.43 USD -
A Temporary Preface to the Six-Text Edition of Chaucer.s Canterbury Tales, Part 1
EAN 9781144143686 17.72 USD -
The Percy Folio of Old English Ballads and Romances, Volume 2
EAN 9781147857788 21.57 USD -
Caxton'S Book of Curtesye: Printed at Westminster About 1477-8 A.D. and Now Reprinted, with Two Ms. Copies of the Same Treatise, from the Oriel Ms. 79, and the Balliol Ms. 354
EAN 9785875949272 10.47 USD -
Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II : The life of St. Alexius. Solomon's book of wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before doomsday. The lamentacion of souls. Edited from the Laud ms. 622 in the Bodleian Library
EAN 9785883632333 9.49 USD -
The babees book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytille childrenes lytil boke, the bokes of nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The booke of demeanor, The boke of curtasye, Seager's Schoo
EAN 9785873659258 11.99 USD -
Ballads from Manuscripts: Pt.1. a Poore Mans Pittance, by Richard Williams, Ed. from the Autograph Ms. by F. J. Furnivall. Pt.2. Ballads Relating . Notes to the Whole Volume, by W. R. Morfil
EAN 9785875949098 13.22 USD -
William Stafford's Compendious Or Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Complaints of Diuers of Our Countrymen in These Our Dayes, A.D. 1581: . "A Briefe Conceipt of English Pollicy.")
EAN 9785876200730 11.00 USD