Автор - C.H. Firth
The Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Lieutenant-General of the Horse in the Army of the Commonwealth of England, 1625-1672, Volume 1
EAN 9781146227902 27.30 USD -
Notes on the diplomatic relations of England and France 1603-1688; lists of ambassadors from England to France and from France to England
EAN 9785875855399 8.05 USD -
English history in English poetry, from the French revolution to the death of Queen Victoria
EAN 9781172417131 20.13 USD -
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life
EAN 9781172324217 19.67 USD -
The memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, lieutenant-general of the horse in the army of the commonwealth of England, 1625-1672
EAN 9781178206371 27.43 USD -
An American garland, being a collection of ballads relating to America
EAN 9781176187146 16.55 USD -
The parallel between the English and American civil wars. The Rede lecture delivered in the Senate House, Cambridge, on 14 June 1910
EAN 9781176474079 12.61 USD -
The Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Lieutenant-General of the Horse in the Army of the Commonwealth of England, 1625-1672, Volume 2
EAN 9781144199874 26.94 USD -
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham
EAN 9781177219082 28.98 USD -
Cromwell's army: a history of the English soldier during the Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Protectorate
EAN 9785875855597 12.28 USD -
Scotland and the Commonwealth : letters and papers relating to the military government of Scotland, from August 1651 to December 1653. 18
EAN 9785884264977 11.76 USD -
An American garland, being a collection of ballads relating to America, 1563-1759;
EAN 9785875855375 9.06 USD -
EAN 9781406716467 37.95 USD -
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England
EAN 9781147218343 32.00 USD