Автор - Carl Engel
An Introduction to the Study of National Music Comprising Researches Into Popular Songs
EAN 9780469296336 34.15 USD -
An Introduction to the Study of National Music; Comprising Researches Into Popular Songs, Traditions
EAN 9780530718521 38.18 USD -
Alla Breve. From Bach to Debussy
EAN 9780526079346 33.28 USD -
Musical Instruments
EAN 9783743345973 26.63 USD -
The Literature of National Music
EAN 9783337084509 26.98 USD -
A Descriptive Catalogue Of The Musical Instruments In The South Kensington Museum
EAN 9781443780810 38.58 USD -
An introduction to the study of national music; comprising researches into popular songs, traditions, and customs
EAN 9785875755484 12.35 USD -
The music of the most ancient nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews; with special reference to recent discoveries in western Asia and in Egypt
EAN 9785880899289 9.64 USD -
The music of the most ancient nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians and Hebrews; with special reference to recent discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt
EAN 9785875755972 12.17 USD -
The Literature Of National Music (1879)
EAN 9780548761878 12.77 USD -
The Pianist's Handbook
EAN 9785875756795 10.05 USD -
Alla Breve: From Bach to Debussy (Italian Edition)
EAN 9785875757228 11.03 USD -
Researches into the early history of the violin family
EAN 9785883540133 9.61 USD -
The music of the most ancient nations: particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews : with special reference to recent discoveries in western Asia and in Egypt
EAN 9785875756399 12.15 USD