Автор - Leonhard Euler
Zwei abhandlungen uber spharische trigonometrie. Grundzuge der spharischen trigonometrie und Allgemeine spharische trigonometrie 1753 und 1779
EAN 9785873224791 8.04 USD -
Leonhard Euler.s Vollstandige Anleitung zur Differenzial-Rechnung.
EAN 9780274715695 35.20 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Physics and Philosophy; Volume 1
EAN 9781377497884 33.28 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess; Volume 1
EAN 9780343845599 29.95 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess. With Notes, and a Life of Euler; Volume 2
EAN 9780343767549 30.65 USD -
Letters of Euler to a German Princess, On Different Subjects in Physics and Philosophy; Volume 2
EAN 9780343777814 34.50 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess. With Notes, and a Life of Euler; Volume 2
EAN 9780344042669 30.48 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess; Volume 1
EAN 9780344211010 29.95 USD -
Letters of Euler to a German Princess, On Different Subjects in Physics and Philosophy; Volume 1
EAN 9780344060533 30.65 USD -
Letters of Euler On Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess. With Notes, and a Life of Euler; Volume 2
EAN 9781375734882 42.20 USD -
Nouveaux Principes D.artillerie, Commentes Par Leonard Euler
EAN 9780341619635 38.70 USD -
Abhandlung Von Der Entdeckung Eines Trabanten Der Venus Und Den Neuen Beobachtungen, Welche Daruber Angestellt Worden...
EAN 9780341167891 22.43 USD -
Leonhardi Euleri Opera Postuma, Mathematica Et Physica, Anno 1844 Detecta, Vol. 2. Quae Academiae Scientiarum Petropolitanae Obtulerunt Ejusque Auspicus Ediderunt Auctoris Pronepotes Paulus Henricus Fuss Et Nicolaus Fuss (Classic Reprint)
EAN 9781390880083 30.48 USD -
Lettres A Une Princesse D.allemagne Sur Divers Sujets De Physique Et De Philosophie, Volume 1...
EAN 9780341326083 32.75 USD