Автор - Christopher Columbus
Raccolta completa degli scritti di Cristoforo Colombo ad illustrare e documentare la scoperta dell'America; recati in italiano corredati di note e di una introduzione e dedicati a Sua Maest? Vittorio Emanuele II re d'Italia
EAN 9785881079932 9.69 USD -
Vita Di Cristoforo Colombo (Italian Edition)
EAN 9781149190937 34.57 USD -
Letter of Christopher Columbus. The Great Benefactor of the Present Age, Concerning the Newly Discovered Islands of India Upon the Ganges, Upon Which Enterprise He Was Despatched Eight Months Since by the Invincible Sovereigns of Spain, Ferdinand ...
EAN 9781377732312 19.80 USD -
Select Letters of Christopher Columbus. With Other Original Documents, Relating to His Four Voyages
EAN 9780469618336 32.58 USD -
The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci and Other Documents Illustrative of His Career
EAN 9780343730376 26.80 USD -
The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci and Other Documents Illustrative of His Career
EAN 9780344021763 26.80 USD -
Primera Epistola Del Almirante Don Cristobal Colon
EAN 9780530537375 22.25 USD -
The Voyages of Christopher Columbus
EAN 9781010066873 29.95 USD -
Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, With Other Original Documents, Relating to the Four Voyage
EAN 9780530967998 34.68 USD -
Relaciones Y Cartas De Cristobal Colon...
EAN 9780341565031 35.73 USD -
Relaciones y cartas de Cristobal Colon
EAN 9780274722440 35.73 USD -
Relations Des Quatre Voyages Entrepris Par Christophe Colomb. Pour La Decouverte Du Nouveau-monde De 1492 A 1504...
EAN 9780341487661 35.03 USD -
Der deutsche Kolumbus-Brief von Konrad Habler.
EAN 9780274836253 22.43 USD -
Tre Lettere di Cristoforo Colombo ed Amerigo Vespucci (Classic Reprint)
EAN 9780428696030 18.75 USD