Автор - Noah Webster
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. Comprising a Easy, Concise, and Systematic Method of Education, Designed for the Use of English Schools in America. in Three Parts, Part II Containing a Plain and Comprehensive Grammar, Grounded On ...
EAN 9781376455120 26.45 USD -
An American Dictionary of the English Language. Intended to Exhibit, I. The Origin, Affinities and Primary Signification of English Words, as far as They Have Been Ascertained. II. The Genuine Orthography and Pronunciation of Words, According to G...
EAN 9781375972208 58.30 USD -
Dictionary of the English Language
EAN 9780343812591 30.65 USD -
A Dictionary of the English Language Abridged From the American Dictionary for the Use of Primary Schools and the Counting House
EAN 9781376481259 32.93 USD -
History of the United States. To Which Is Prefixed a Brief Historical Account of Our .English. Ancestors, From the Dispersion at Babel, to Their Migration to America, and of the Conquest of South America, by the Spaniards
EAN 9780343821975 30.48 USD -
The American Spelling Book. Containing the Rudiments of the English Language : For Use of Schools in the United States
EAN 9780344066948 26.98 USD -
The Elementary Spelling Book. Being an Improvement On the American Spelling Book
EAN 9780344022388 27.15 USD -
The Elementary Spelling Book. Being an Improvement On the American Spelling Book
EAN 9781375600804 35.55 USD -
Webster.s Elementary-School Dictionary. Abridged From Webster.s New International Dictionary, 900 Illustrations
EAN 9780343888022 36.78 USD -
The Teacher. A Supplement to the Elementary Spelling Book
EAN 9780344144387 26.45 USD -
Webster.s Elementary-School Dictionary. Abridged From Webster.s New International Dictionary, 900 Illustrations
EAN 9780344110924 37.13 USD -
Rudiments of English Grammar. Being an Abridgment of the Improved Grammar of the English Language
EAN 9780344045561 21.73 USD -
An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking. Calculated to Improve the Mind and Refine the Taste of Youth. to Which Is Prefixed, Rules in Elocution, and Directions for Expressing the Principal Passions of the Mind
EAN 9780344235436 27.33 USD -
An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking. Calculated to Improve the Minds and Refine the Taste of Youth : To Which Are Prefixed Rules in Elocution, and Directions for Expressing the Principal Passions of the Mind
EAN 9781376561272 26.45 USD