Автор - Cooper James Fenimore
The Jack O.Lantern; Le Feu-follet or, the Privateer; Volume III
EAN 9780526747474 29.95 USD -
The Pioneers or, The Sources of the Susquehanna. A Descriptive Tale
EAN 9780526795291 39.93 USD -
Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers
EAN 9780526431427 38.00 USD -
The Travelling Bachelor; or, Notions of the Americans
EAN 9780530767451 43.25 USD -
The Pioneers
EAN 9780140390070 24.81 USD -
Mercedes of Castile; or The Voyage to Cathay
EAN 9785521079483 19.25 USD -
Satanstoe; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts
EAN 9785521079636 14.96 USD -
The Deerslayer
EAN 9785521079711 19.00 USD -
The Prairie
EAN 9785521079520 14.39 USD -
The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas
EAN 9785521079575 13.85 USD -
Miles Wallingford
EAN 9785521079551 17.34 USD -
The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea
EAN 9785521079605 15.76 USD -
Wing-and-Wing; or, Le feu-follet
EAN 9785521079667 17.23 USD -
The Crater; or, Vulcan’s Peak: A Tale of the Pacific
EAN 9785521079629 14.73 USD