Автор - Фрэнсис Бэкон
Фрэнсис Бэкон. Жизнь. Мировоззрение. Мысли, максимы, афоризмы
EAN 9789854430799 6.47 USD -
The essayes; or, Covnsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Vervlam, Viscount St. Alban
EAN 9785883676399 11.52 USD -
History of the Reign of King Henry Vii, with Notes by J.R. Lumby
EAN 9785874685386 13.12 USD -
A collection of apophthegms, new and old by Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulum, Viscount St. Alban. (1674)
EAN 9785879585353 8.91 USD -
The Works of Francis Bacon: Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England, Volume 8 (German Edition)
EAN 9785874686604 14.41 USD -
The essays, or Councils, civil and moral. With a Table of the colours of good and evil, and a Discourse of the wisdom of the ancients. To which is added in this ed. the character of Queen Elizabeth
EAN 9785874680633 12.97 USD -
The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 15
EAN 9785874685409 12.24 USD -
The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 5
EAN 9781146640565 18.12 USD -
Новый Органон
EAN 9785519641197 11.02 USD -
The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: A New Edition:, Volume 15
EAN 9785874684433 14.02 USD -
The advancement of learning. Book I. With notes by F.G. Selby
EAN 9785874680589 11.59 USD -
History of the reign of King Henry VII: With notes by J. Rawson Lumby
EAN 9785874680459 13.09 USD -
The New Atlantis and The City of the Sun. Two Classic Utopias
EAN 9781603863803 7.21 USD -
Oeuvres philosophiques de Bacon. 2
EAN 9785881146597 11.64 USD