Автор - Edward Sapir
Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech
EAN 9785877922211 11.54 USD -
Takelma texts
EAN 9785877921818 10.21 USD -
Takelma Texts, Volume 2
EAN 9785877922099 11.22 USD -
Dreams and gibes
EAN 9785877922013 8.82 USD -
The Takelma language of southwestern Oregon
EAN 9785877921849 8.73 USD -
Time perspective in aboriginal American culture, a study in method
EAN 9785877921856 8.91 USD -
Notes on Chasta Costa phonology and morphology
EAN 9785877921795 8.80 USD -
Noun reduplication in Comox, a Salish language of Vancouver island
EAN 9785877921863 8.09 USD -
A sketch of the social organization of the Nass River Indians
EAN 9785873421572 6.37 USD -
Selected writings in language, culture and personality;
EAN 9785880261284 13.23 USD -
EAN 9781434623829 30.63 USD -
Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech
EAN 9780486437446 12.50 USD