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The British Apollo: in three volumes. Containing two thousand answers to curious questions in most arts and sciences, . approved of by many of the . The fourth edition. Volume 1 of 3
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The whole life and merry exploits of bold Robin Hood, Earl of Huntingdon. . To which is added, several songs not in the former impressions. With the . history of Johnny Armstrong of Westmoreland.
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An extract of the Christian's pattern: or a treatise of the imitation of Christ: written in Latin by Thomas ? Kempis. Publish'd by John Wesley, M.A.
EAN 9785879585254 11.03 USD -
Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament. By John Wesley, . Volume 3 of 3
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Gulliver revived: containing singular travels, campaigns, voyages, and adventures in Russia, the Caspian Sea, . By Baron Munchausen. The fifth . views, engraved from original designs.
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Gothic stories Sir Bertrand's adventures in a ruinous castle: The story of Fitzalan: The adventure James III of Scotland had with the weird sisters, . ruin of the House of Albert: and Mary 3rd ed
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The vocal miscellany. A collection of above four hundred celebrated songs: many of which were never before printed. With the names of the tunes prefixed to each song. Volume 2 of 2
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The history and antiquities of the University of Cambridge. Containing, first, its original and progress. Secondly, a description of the present colleges; . By the Reverend Mr Richard Parker, .
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Secret memoirs of the late Count Saxe, Marshal of France, . with a particular account of his amours and gallantry in his younger years. Translated from a French MSS.
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The small British atlas: :being a new set of maps of all the counties of England and Wales: also, a general map with tables of length, breadth, area, . likewise a parliamentary map of England
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An argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners, is a treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, . With an appendix; . anatomy of Great Britain, is anatomiz'd; .
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Onania; or, the heinous sin of self-pollution, and all its frightful consequences, in both sexes, considered, with spiritual and physical advice . The fourth edition.
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Acts, passed in the island of Barbados. From 1643, to 1762, inclusive; carefully revised, . By the late Richard Hall, . And since his death, . To which is added, an index; and abridgment
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The British Apollo: in three volumes. Containing two thousand answers to curious questions in most arts and sciences, . approved of by many of the . The fourth edition. Volume 3 of 3
EAN 9785879570779 11.36 USD