Автор - Noah Brooks
Henry Knox, a soldier of the revolution; major-general in the Continental army, Washington's chief of artillery, first secretary of war under the . of the Society of the Cincinnati; 1750-1806
EAN 9785879003086 11.29 USD -
First Across the Continent; The Story of the Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803-4-5
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The Mediterranean Trip. A Short Guide to the Principal Points on the Shores of the Western Mediterra
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Abraham Lincoln. His Youth and Early Manhood, With a Brief Account of His Later Life
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The Boys of Fairport
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The Boy Settlers. A Story Of Early Times In Kansas
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First Across the Continent The story of the exploring expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1804-5-6
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The Fairport Nine
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Abraham Lincoln, a Biography for Young People
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Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American Slavery
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First Across the Continent, (the Story of the Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1804-1806)
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First Across the Continent: The Story of the Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803-4-5
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Scribner's Popular History of the United States: From the Earliest Discoveries of the Western Hemisphere by the Northmen to the Present Time
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First across the continent; the story of the exploring expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803-4-5
EAN 9785879001785 12.20 USD