Автор - James Clerk Maxwell
Matter and Motion
EAN 9781614277842 13.30 USD -
An elementary treatise on electricity
EAN 9781177694193 21.87 USD -
Notes On Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism: Intended As a Sequel to Professor Clerk-Maxwell's Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism
EAN 9785877064720 14.58 USD -
Traite D'electricite Et De Magnetisme, Volume 1 (Danish Edition)
EAN 9785877065215 14.60 USD -
Matter and Motion
EAN 9781602063082 11.49 USD -
A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
EAN 9781614275213 7.60 USD -
A Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism - Volume Two - Illustrated
EAN 9781933998992 14.90 USD -
Uber Faradays Kraftlinien
EAN 9783956109447 28.72 USD -
Ueber physikalische kraftlinien
EAN 9781178389135 14.02 USD -
On the stability of the motion of Saturns rings
EAN 9781174912900 13.20 USD -
A treatise on electricity and magnetism
EAN 9781177759199 25.94 USD -
The scientific papers. Volume 1
EAN 9781171854623 31.78 USD -
Theory of heat
EAN 9781177698795 25.30 USD -
Matter and Motion (Bibliolife Reproduction Series)
EAN 9785873858446 9.02 USD