Автор - Thomas Tredgold
Elementary Principles of Carpentry: A Treatise On the Pressure and Equilibrium of Timber Framing, the Resistance of Timber, and the Construction of . Etc. with Practical Rules and Examples
EAN 9785878321761 12.37 USD -
The Principles and Practice and Explanation of the Machinery of Locomotive Engines in Operation On the Several Lines of Railway. Exemplified in the Examples Constructed by Bury, Curtis, and Kennedy, Liverpool ... With Descriptive Text, to Which Ar...
EAN 9781375439510 37.48 USD -
Elementary Principles of Carpentry
EAN 9781407782553 32.40 USD -
A Practical Treatise On Rail-Roads and Carriages. Shewing the Principles of Estimating Their Strength, Proportions, Expense, and Annual Produce, and the Conditions Which Render Them Effective, Economical, and Durable : With the Theory, Effect, and...
EAN 9781377656533 27.68 USD -
A Practical Treatise On Rail-Roads and Carriages,. Showing the Principles of Estimating Their Strength, Proportions, Expense, and Annual Produce, and the Conditions Which Render Them Effective, Economical, and Durable : With the Theory, Effect, an...
EAN 9781377640686 27.68 USD -
Elementary Principles of Carpentry. A Treatise On the Pressure and Equilibrium of Timber Framing, the Resistance of Timber, and the Construction of Floors, Centres, Bridges, Roofs; Uniting Iron and Stone With Timber, Etc. With Practical Rules and ...
EAN 9781377491004 31.00 USD -
Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and Other Metals. Containing Practical Rules, Tables, and Examples, Founded on a Series of Experiments; With an Extensive Table of the Properties of Materials
EAN 9781290346283 19.63 USD -
Tratado De Las Maquinas De Vapor, Y De Su Aplicacion A La Navegacion, Minas, Manufacturas Etc. Contiene La Historia De La Invencion Y Mejoras Sucesivas De Estas Maquinas ...
EAN 9780274716456 35.20 USD -
The Steam Engine. Its Invention and Progressive Improvement, an Investigation of Its Principles, and Its Application to Navigation, Manufactures, and Railways; Volume 1
EAN 9780353011779 43.78 USD -
Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and Other Metals: Containing .
EAN 9785879694239 9.76 USD -
A practical treatise on rail-roads and carriages: Showing the Principles of Estimating Their .
EAN 9785873583447 7.93 USD -
Elementary Principles of Carpentry
EAN 9781408660997 31.69 USD -
A Practical Treatise On Rail-Roads and Carriages: Shewing the Principles of Estimating Their Strength, Proportions, Expense, and Annual Produce, and . : With the Theory, Effect, and Expense
EAN 9785878321341 9.99 USD -
Caminos De Hierro: Tratado Practico . Sobre Los Caminos De Carriles De Hierro, Y Los Carruages, Maquinas De Vapor Y De Gas, Ya Movibles ? . Saber Para Construirlos . (Spanish Edition)
EAN 9785878319706 9.83 USD