Автор - United Nations
60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference
EAN 9789211009866 16.69 USD -
Human Settlements. The Environmental Challenge : A Compendium of United Nations Papers Prepared for the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment 1972
EAN 9781349016495 33.63 USD -
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa V: Towards the Continental Free Trade Area, Customs Union and Common Market
EAN 9789211251173 66.73 USD -
2004 International Trade Statistics Yearbook / Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce International (International Trade Statistics Yearbook/Annuaire Statistique Du Commerce Internationa
EAN 9789210612197 217.21 USD -
Trade and Environment Review 2006: Environmental Requirements and Market Access for Developing Countries--Developing Pro-active Approaches and Strategies
EAN 9789211126884 52.05 USD -
African Governance Report 2005
EAN 9789211250985 63.39 USD -
The Assassination of Benazir Bhutto - The UN Report
EAN 9781604504620 20.69 USD -
Macroeconomics Cooperation for Uncertain Times: The Redima Experience (Cuadernos De La Cepal)
EAN 9789210210867 25.70 USD -
Macroeconomic Report on Latin America and the Caribbean: June 2012
EAN 9789212210599 14.55 USD -
Investment Policy Review: Mozambique
EAN 9789211128543 35.67 USD -
Assessment of Development Results: Democratic Republic of Congo
EAN 9789211263213 23.38 USD -
Trends in Sustainable Development: Sustainable Consumption and Production
EAN 9789211045994 25.39 USD -
Climate-smart Trade and Investment in Asia and the Pacific: Towards a Triple-win Outcome (Studies in Trade and Investment)
EAN 9789211206456 56.05 USD -
Report on World Space Week 2009 (Office for Outer Space Affairs)
EAN 9789211012231 35.42 USD