Автор - C. W. King
Talismans and amulets
EAN 9783742830166 23.13 USD -
Early Christian numismatics, and other antiquarian tracts
EAN 9781145626669 21.41 USD -
Antique Gems: Their Origin, Uses, and Value as Interpreters of Ancient History; and as Illustrative of Ancient Art: With Hints to Gem Collectors
EAN 9781440068584 21.34 USD -
The natural history of gems or decorative stones
EAN 9781177229456 22.50 USD -
Handbook of engraved gems
EAN 9781177468305 23.94 USD -
Mediaeval gem engraving
EAN 9781176835283 17.67 USD -
The claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom, exhibited in notes of voyages made in 1837, from Canton, in the ship Morrison and brig Himmaleh
EAN 9785873752591 8.77 USD