Автор - Edmund Burke
Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; between the year 1744 and the period of his decease, in 1797. 1
EAN 9785882998317 12.65 USD -
Speeches: With Memoir and Historical Introductions
EAN 9785879318593 12.26 USD -
The Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke: With a Biographical and Critical .
EAN 9785883403834 14.01 USD -
Conciliation with the Colonies: The Speech by Edmund Burke
EAN 9785876822550 9.06 USD -
Conciliation with the American colonies
EAN 9785883474339 8.76 USD -
The Works of . Edmund Burke, Volume 12
EAN 9785879318890 13.25 USD -
Burke: Reflections On the Revolution in France. 1881
EAN 9785879318753 12.26 USD -
Writings and Speeches, Volume 7
EAN 9785879318456 13.14 USD -
Speech on conciliation with America
EAN 9785872962984 9.59 USD -
The Leadbeater Papers: A Selection from the Mss. and Correspondence of Mary Leadbeater, Volume 2
EAN 9785875458897 12.22 USD -
The Works and Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 3
EAN 9785879318418 13.28 USD -
Letters, Speeches and Tracts on Irish Affairs
EAN 9785881244071 11.76 USD -
The Annual Register, Volume 36
EAN 9785879316926 15.21 USD -
The Speeches of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: On the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. to Which Is Added a Selection of Burke's Epistolary Correspondence .
EAN 9785879318883 13.36 USD